
File structure

TODO: What is the policy towards file location ? Should integrators prefer main project or apps ?


Templates are located in the ̀apps/*/templates` directory.

They are simple and standard HTML files that include a special syntax of template tags at locations where dynamic data should appear.


I4P uses Compass and Scss.

When you are working on .scss files, you need to have compass running to make sure the .css files are regenerated.

As a side note, we made the choice to commit .scss files to prevent having to install Compass on the deployment server, so please do.



To install Compass, run:

gem install compass rb-inotify


To allow CSS (re)generation, use the following command while modifying CSSes:

compass watch static

If compass crashes when trying to regenerate files you are still editing, can try the following command:

while true ; do compass watch static ; done

To run a one-time compilation, use:

compass compile static

SCSS Mixins

TODO: explain how re-usable variables & mixins are better than having title sizes and common classes redefined everywhere.

Pre-defined CSS Classes

TODO: explain common classes for button, project cards, etc.

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