############ What is I4P? ############ `I4P` is a *robust*, *secure*, *efficient* and *extensible* web platform that aims at creating a consistent set of components that can be used to build **social innovation** platforms. `I4P` is following an open process for its development and is licensed under free software licences (mainly `AGPL v3`_, `BSD`_ and `Creative Commons`_). Everyone is welcomed to use, distribute and contribute to it as long as you give your enhancements back. Project sheets ============== * Add new project or edit a project easily, adding answers to questions, project status, photos, videos, references, place, team members. * Admin project sheets: edit questions, categories, best-of or completed projects. * Comment on a project and share project on facebook or twitter. * RSS and email alert including new project sheet and modifications. Community ========= * Create an account, connect with OpenID/Facebook/Google+, edit your profile, give all essential information. * Internal messaging that allows you to communicate with anyone on the platform (projects leaders, etc...). * Display partners on every project sheet and have a place where partners can find the projects they support. * Send newsletters to `I4P` profiles (Mailing list managements (merging, importing...), newsletter previews, tracking statistics). * Feedback system that everyone can monitor. Use feedback module to resolve all community problems or questions. Search Engine ============= Find all type of information on the web platform: * Flters (best-of projects, tags, categories, project status) * Search engine with complex features (Autocomplete, Faceting, Rich Content Extraction, Highlighting) Forum ===== `I4P` enables focused discussions in the structured Question and Answer format: * All questions and answers are editable - so they can be improved. * Comments under questions and answers allow free follow-up discussions. * Entire history of edits is preserved and can be seen at any time. * Reputation system and Voting enabled. `I4P` also enables a "*call to action*" system on project sheet, so that project team can ask for help and be supported by helpers at a start-up phase (concept / start-up / first growth) through different types of calls. Groups of Interests =================== * Integrated system that allows discussion groups via mailing lists (`Mailman`_), see signups. * In 2013, `I4P` will provide tools and an online collaborative animated workgroup interface whose goal is to produce resources by several hundred people (methodologies, guides, FAQ’s, how to’s, etc.) or resolve shared social issues. These resources, project contributions or descriptions will be implemented thanks to an organizational methodology specifically structured in stages and with an orchestrator, administrator and, if needed, mapmaker. Members of the workgroups or platform users will have access applications allowing them to co-write in real-time points of view, reports and collective summaries. Finally, the tool allows the created knowledge to be represented visually with Mindmaps, Visual Maps or standard mapping elements. Easy editorial content ====================== * The Content Management System (CMS) allows you to create and manage simplified pages and manage templates to create pages adapted to your needs (Example: homepage is totaly customizable). * Advanced admin management system to give access by group or user for every website aspect. * Automatic menu based on CMS pages. Open to the world ================= * Open API so people can search all `I4P` information (members, project sheets, groups) * Android application using API to search and list projects (V1). * Project Sheet widget to share project on your own website. Multilingual to the core ======================== A multilingual platform (actually 8 languages activated). * Everyone can help translate the global interface using Transifex that allows you to easily organize site translations. * Each project can be translated easily, using collaborative editing project interface. * Each CMS page or project question is multilingual Everything is multisite ======================= `I4P` is multisite. * Mutiple domain names can use the same platform, each one with his own projects, members, menu, pages. * Each domain name can have his own design using templates. * Maintenance is easy as they're is only one webplatform to maintain and host. Pluggable ========= TODO Rich data structure (data mining), easily extensible .. _AGPL v3: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html .. _BSD: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BSD_licenses .. _Creative Commons: http://creativecommons.org/ .. _Mailman: http://www.gnu.org/software/mailman/index.html